So I got this wonderful and very eco friendly product! You will notice though that all of the products I review are eco-friendly or vegan!
Well I came across this seller and say that she had a Peppermint Shampoo Bar. She agreed to let me do a review and I was very happy as I am with anyone who lets me do a review! I love this hobby! I love letting you all know about new sellers and eco-friendly products!
Well Since trying this on my little girl I can say I love it even more! It gives her hair a but of fluff, lol. I really like how easy it was to get her hair washed with it!
Now my mom is refusing to try it though so this is just going to be on my experience and my daughters! So here is my review on the product!
Like I said earlier! I love it, but it doesnt work for long hair, short to shoulder length I will say is the best! My hair is extremely long and very thick, so I still had to use conditioner!
Now for my daughters hair! She has very fine shoulder length hair and it worked perfectly! Like you would get out of a plastic bottle!
The seller I believe has come up with a great product!
If you want to check any of her items out please go to
So all in all!
Short short hair: 10
Shoulder Length hair: 10
Half way down your back long thick hair: 7 (the reason I give it a 7 is because it does make your hair felt extremely clean, I did have to use conditioner to get the knots out of my hair)
So as you can see I think very highly of this shampoo bar, I just wish I could actually use it without having to condition my hair afterwards!
So again if you would like to check out any of Barbara's other items for sale please go to
Hope you all enjoy this review!
Now for my final word! Everything you read here is my opinion and my opinion alone! I was not paid or compensated in any way to do this review!
♥ Ashley ♥